A genuine Wilunatic, Peter was born and bred in the outback (Wiluna WA). He grew up in a typical bush pub on a diet of Banjo Patterson, Henry Lawson and the like, days when wool was king, cattle were still coming down the Canning Stock Route to Wiluna and bush pubs were still full of those wonderful characters that appear so often in our bush poetry.
His poems cover a wide range of topics and are authentic recollections of an era that will soon only exist in our yarns and verse.
A published author, his books include several collections of his Australian Bush Poetry, illustrated with paintings and drawings taken from several of his public exhibitions. He has won numerous awards for both bush and contemporary written poetry. His work also appears in numerous books and anthologies.
A member of the Bunbury branch of the WA Bush Poets and Yarn-spinners since 2016, he is mainly a writer but has been known to perform his own poetry occasionally.
You can contact Peter via e-mail: peter.oshaughnessy@gmail.com
or ph: (08) 9725 1035