Barry is a Story Teller; and a Performer of the Poetry of many of our own great West Australian
Bush Poets; including the Renowned Syd Hopkinson, the Legendary Keith 'Cobber' Lethbridge,
Centenarian Arthur Leggett, and brilliant South West Duo - Peg Vickers & Peter 'Pedro' Blythe.
He also recites the works of other Outstanding Australian Bush Poets; including Rupert McCall,
James 'Jim' Haynes, Myponga's very own Bob Magor, & Colin Wilson a.k.a. 'Blue the Shearer'.
Barry presents Classics by Henry Lawson, 'Banjo' Paterson, and of course, the Infamous 'Anon'.
At the 2018 WABPYS State Championships, Barry won First Place in the Traditional Award.
You can always be assured, that there will be plenty of humor, in all of Barry's Performances.
Contact Barry :- les057@bigpond.com Phone 9329 9709. "