Robert Gunn
I am mainly a reciter but put some of my poetry to music. I am still building on my repertoire learning new poems all the time. I have performed with prominent poets at Boyup Brook, Tamworth and other festivals. Australian champions have encouraged me but so far I haven't pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
My performance is mainly modern work doing Marco Gliori, Murray Hartin, Mick Collis, Keith Lethbridge, Melanie Hall, David Burman, Bob Magor and various others.
In 2011 and 2017 I won the "poets brawl" in Boyup Brook. I have also performed [as a guest] with Pixie Jenkins. Pixie recorded me doing ''Rindercella" and sometimes plays it on his Sunday morning radio show in Queensland.
I live in the Peel Region at North Yunderup.
Can be contacted gun.hink@hotmail.com or mobile 0417099676. No distance too far.